Barker Insurance

Protect your property and loved ones with Barker Fire Assist

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In an emergency, protecting your loved ones and property is vital. At Barker Insurance, you have the peace of mind of knowing that Emergency Roadside Assistance, Home Assistance, and Medical Contacts are all available through Barker Assist. However, what about the devastating impact of fires?

Barker Insurance is one of the first in the industry to include Fire Assist. It forms a crucial component of our Barker Assist offering, which is dedicated to providing support during home fires. Barker Fire Assist is automatically included in your Barker Assist at no additional cost. This means you receive comprehensive emergency assistance without any extra charges.

Barker Assist encompasses Roadside, Home/Office, and Fire Assist, all under one umbrella, providing a holistic approach to your safety and convenience.

If you have a roadside, accident, home, or fire emergency, contact Barker Assist at 0861 227 537.

Barker Fire Assist is only available to Personal and Fleet Policyholders:

  • A 24-hour call centre (Barker Assist 0861227537)

  • Fire emergency case response

  • Specialised first response services, ensuring immediate assistance and care during emergencies.

Barker Fire Assist is more than just a service. It’s a commitment to safety and quick action during fire emergencies. The difference between devastation and recovery can often be measured in minutes. The service includes solutions designed to protect you when you are most vulnerable.

Unparalleled support

At the heart of Fire Assist is a 24-hour call centre, where professional, empathetic operators are ready to dispatch immediate help. This includes firefighters and specialist first responders with the expertise to manage fire incidents effectively.

Fires can have a devastating impact, regardless of the setting.

With Fire Assist, policyholders gain access to private response services in specific areas of Gauteng and public response services nationwide, ensuring a broad safety net.

Barker Fire Assist provides immediate access to Fire Ops, a professional firefighting service with six bases across Johannesburg. Fire Ops has 21 vehicles and a team of over 60 full-time, highly trained firefighters. These specialists are skilled in firefighting and rescue operations, ensuring a comprehensive emergency response.

Currently, Fire Ops SA only operates in Johannesburg, but they are in the process of expanding into other areas. However, both Barker Fire Assist Service Providers and Fire Ops have connections nationwide with municipal fire stations, police, and private service providers. They will assist with nationwide case management.

This approach reinforces Barker's dedication to our policyholders’ well-being, providing peace of mind that expert assistance is just a call away in the event of a fire.


Barker Fire Assist provides a 24-hour call centre number and fire emergency case response, private first response services for Gauteng, and public first response services for residential stands nationwide.

The private first response service is currently available in specific areas within Gauteng, with plans for expansion to other regions, while the public first response service offers nationwide case management.

In the event of a fire emergency


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Fire safety at home

Fires constantly threaten property and personal safety in a residential setting. From electrical faults to unattended stoves, the causes of residential fires are varied and often unexpected. This unpredictability makes it essential for homeowners to have a reliable safety net.

By prioritising rapid response and comprehensive service, Barker Fire Assist helps to safeguard homes and families.

Secure your alternative power sources

The shift to alternative power systems like solar panels, inverters, and backup batteries is a step towards sustainability, but it also introduces new fire risks that must be managed.

Selecting a reputable Electrician to ensure your system is installed correctly and safely and providing the proper maintenance for these systems is crucial to preventing fires. This is particularly true for devices like lithium batteries, which can be prone to thermal runaway if not correctly handled. It is important to secure these investments not only to protect your financial interests but also to ensure the safety of your property.

The risk of lithium battery fires

Lithium battery fires, while relatively rare, can have catastrophic consequences. According to information shared by CIA Buildings, incorrect installation is one of the most significant risks, often leading to damages in the millions. These fires can be caused by internal short circuits from physical damage, overcharging, or exposure to high temperatures. Ensuring that these systems are installed and tested by qualified electricians is not just a recommendation; it's a necessity for safety and compliance with insurance policies.

Anyone installing alternative power systems should adhere to the manufacturer’s guidelines and secure a valid electrical certificate of compliance. We also recommend regular inspections and maintenance to identify and mitigate potential risks. Understanding and preventing the common causes of lithium battery fires can protect your alternative power investments and keep your surroundings safe. Read more about the devastation of a lithium fire here.

Fire safety in South Africa

South Africans live under constant threat of fire, thanks to climate conditions and our deteriorating electrical infrastructure. Thousands of fires occur annually, leading to significant loss of life and property. Residential and informal settlement fires are particularly common and devastating, often made worse by the lack of proper fire detection and suppression systems.

Fire safety is not just a personal concern but a national issue that requires collective awareness and action. Barker Fire Assist provides a safety net for our valued clients who face fire risks by offering immediate assistance and promoting fire safety. The importance of being prepared and insured against one of the most destructive forces affecting communities across the country cannot be overstated.

Barker Fire Assist is more than an insurance product; it's a commitment to enhancing the well-being of South Africans and ensuring that when fires do happen, the impact on lives and property is minimised.

Here are some tips from BarkerFire Ops SA: HERE

For more information, contact your Barker consultant.

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