Barker Insurance

Fire safety tips from Fire Ops SA

Fire Tips

Fire Ops SA, the firefighting service that we rely on as part of our Barker Fire Assist offering, has put together a checklist of safety practices that can help you become more vigilant and reduce the risk of fire in your home or business:

1. Fire Extinguishers

    It's essential to have a fire extinguisher nearby as it provides the fastest defense against fire and can prevent a major catastrophe.

    Place these extinguishers in critical locations such as your kitchen, garage, and vehicle. Everyone must know how to use a fire extinguisher and its location. A fire blanket is also a valuable item to have on hand.

    2. Smoke detectors/alarms

    Installing quality smoke alarms and testing them regularly can mean the difference between timely escape and tragedy. Position these devices strategically throughout your home, including in bedrooms and corridors, to ensure the earliest possible alert in the event of a fire. Remember to also close doors behind you as you exit.

    3. Electrical practices

    Safe electrical practices are non-negotiable. Avoid overloading power outlets and inspect appliances often for signs of wear or damage. Recognise and heed the warnings of faulty wiring – flickering lights, discoloured plug sockets, and unusual odours – which are precursors to potential hazards.

    In addition, ensure that you are aware of your load-shedding schedule and switch off all electrical appliances during load-shedding. DO NOT overload plugs.

    4. Your escape plan

    Put together a well-crafted escape plan.

    Regular family discussions and twice-yearly rehearsals of your plan mean you’ll know exactly what to do when seconds count. Each room should offer an alternate exit route. Keeping doorways and windows unobstructed will ensure a swift evacuation. Lastly, before going to bed each night, ensure the house keys are in a place that is easy to access and obvious in an emergency.

    5. Kitchen usage

    Always be fire-conscious in the kitchen. Never leave cooking unattended, and maintain a clutter-free area around the stove. Use timers to alert you when food is ready. Unwatched cooking can easily cause a fire.

    6. Device disposal

    Be careful where you throw your batteries away. Deteriorating batteries, especially lithium-based ones, present a severe risk of overheating, also known as thermal runaway. Dispose of them according to manufacturer guidelines. Consult a qualified professional to obtain the relevant guidance and safety advice when in doubt.

    7. Home or office exterior

    Remember that you’ll also need to pay attention to the rest of your property. Keep flammable materials, such as leaves and debris, at an appropriate distance from your home. By mitigating exterior risks, you enhance your overall fire safety strategy.

    Fire Ops SA's breadth of expertise integrates seamlessly into the Barker Fire Assist offering. Both organisations believe safeguarding your home is not simply about the measures put in place but the knowledge and habits you cultivate to ensure a safe, well-protected future.

    Read more about Barker Fire Assist offering - HERE.