Barker Insurance

Are your collectibles insured?


Many people have a passion for collecting various items, from small-scale travel spoons and magnets to big-ticket items such as watches, whiskeys, and vintage cars.

Despite the time, effort, and money invested in acquiring and maintaining such articles, they are often overlooked on the insurance front, and doing this can pose a big problem in the event of a loss.

As your insurance partner, it’s our job to make sure you are aware of the implications of risk events and the associated costs to replace your beloved collectibles. Insurance serves as a safety net for when things go wrong. Knowing you’re adequately covered not only gives you peace of mind and financial security but can help with the preservation of your valued collectibles because insurance can ensure your collection remains well-maintained for future generations.

Another important insurance consideration is that certain collectible items (such as a Rolex watch or Macallan whisky bottle) will most likely appreciate over time. This means that if it were to incur damage or a loss, replacing the item would essentially cost more, than at the time of purchase, as its value would have increased over the years.

In light of the above, we urge our clients to make sure that they are adequately covered for their collectibles. We suggest adding your collectibles to your insurance costs, so as to secure, build and maintain their value.

A shining example,

Joran Mickel, an avid sneaker and whiskey collector, passionately ensures his collectibles are covered under his household contents. Bi-annually, he makes the time to conduct an inventory check with his Barker consultant, to evaluate which items he still has in his possession, any additions made, along with what has been consumed or sold since his last assessment.

While his premium changes accordingly, he sleeps soundly at night knowing that he is financially covered to replace them at the values they are worth today, should anything untoward happen to his collections.

From Persian carpets, coins, model cars, and actual cars, collectibles can range drastically in size and monetary value, which will obviously have implications on their insurance cover.

In some cases, certain scarce items may be physically irreplaceable but regardless, it’s worth being covered as you will still benefit financially in the event of a loss.

Remember, your collectibles don’t need to be worth millions to be worth insuring, as your peace of mind is certainly worth that and more!