Sarah 0021

Sarah Thomson

Position: Financial Controller
Division: Accounts
Inception at Barker: 1 December 2017
Personal Information

Matriculated at Kingsmead College and worked for an commodity trading company for 16 years heading up the admin department for the import & export of dairy products gaining all sorts of experience. Completed a Diploma in Business Management and moved into the accounts department.

In 2003, I started a booking keeping business with an former colleague doing books for small start-up companies which gave me an the opportunity to be a mom to our new family.

Married to Allan and we have 3 incredible children – Shannon, who has graduated and Dylan and Brian who are in high school in KZN.

Very excited to be asked to join Barker Insurance team in December 2017 and haven’t looked back.

Love the outdoors, travelling and of course spending as much time with our family as possible.